Learning Aim D: Evaluation


What is Pre-production? 

Pre-production is all the planning that goes on before cameras start rolling. This includes things like all the logistics (e.g. call sheets and shot lists), Finance (e.g., finance sources and budget spreadsheets) and creative (e.g. script and storyboards). Pre-production is crucial before casting any type of film as this stage allows you to organize everything you need before rolling the cameras. It also allows everyone associated with the film to gain understanding of what is needed pre film. Pre-production is also the most effective way of informing everyone associated with the film what is needed from them specifically in their roles during this stage. 

To effectively manage a short film/film, the pre-production information given out to the crew needs to be easily understood so that everyone knows their specific roles on set. If everybody is on board with the pre-production and understands then therefore things run a lot more efficiently and smoothly within the team. 

My initial aims for this Pre-production were to be able to address the key information across to the crew so that everyone could gain an understanding of each of their roles within the group. The main aim was to make sure everyone was on board as it would therefore result in the best possible outcome for my project. 


The financial aspect of pre-production is very important as it gives you an idea of the money you will need to spend on the elements you want to buy such as props. Without knowing the exact budget, it is still important to cover this aspect as it will answer the questions like is it cost efficient and reliable for the price spent. 

The financial aspect will cover things like your financial sources and a Budget spreadsheet. 

Budget spreadsheet: 

Budget Spreadsheets are beneficial because it helps you keep track of what money is incoming and outgoing throughout pre-production. Another benefit is that it tells you if you have overspent or underspent during the course of the pre-production. Allows control over all your expenses. 



Financial Sources: 

The reason for a financial source is to gain an understanding of what you are investing in and the pros and cons of them. A financial source is put in place to fund their business activities and find the best suitable things to invest in for production. 



During the pre-production of this short film, I have to take into account the logistics and have a plan set in place to allow the production to run smoothly. This stage includes me considering locations, times everyone must be on set or and ready for filming and equipment needed for filming. Setting out a plan like this will really help everyone have an understanding of where to be and when and also what their role is within pre-production. 

Contingency plan is something I had set out, so everyone understood what to do and if anything went wrong the solutions for it were in place.  

Contingency Plan 

Possible issues 

How to resolve 


Impact on production 

Locations unavailable 

Research and find out a second or even third location to film from. 

Low if you do the correct research before filming starts whether the location in available. 

Delay a few days of production as they have to find a secondary location. 

Bad weather or wrong weather for scene 

Research the weather forecast and film scenes when the weather is right for that particular scene. 

High as the weather can change quickly. 

Delay production if no plans put in place to resolve. 

Camera battery dies 

Make sure all batteries are fully charged and take spares. 

Medium as even though they are all fully charged, there could be a chance of them cutting out. 

Dalay days of filming and have to find new batteries. 

Equipment breaks 

Make sure there are spare equipment for the most important things. 

High as props could be used in a violent scene and it could easily break such as prop swords. 

Production slowed down because they now have to go out and buy a new prop. 

Crew unavailable/ Back out of filming 

Back up people in contacts to fill in and do the job in hand. 

Low for them to just randomly drop out but for one person to be ill it is a high possibility 

Time taken out to find other people to fill in that role. 

Editing: Computer server goes down 

Try find and use a different computer not connected to that server that has gone down. 

Medium, the server is unpredictable whether it goes down or not. 

The release date will be at a later date as they need more time to edit due to the server going down. 


I decided to make a story board for my short film and the impact of a storyboard is that it gives me an indication and a vague idea of my short film. It will also make me have more ideas going forward to add in when planning my final idea. A storyboard will also illustrate the storyline and will also show different scenes and transitions I want in my film. I made mine to show different camera movements and edits such as a zoom in or out. This will help me when filming as I will know when to add different camera moves or edits. I can also add different transitions.                                                                                                                                  



I also decided to make a script. This has a similar impact as a storyboard but just in more detail. The script will make sure I know exactly what is happening at certain points, what speech or audio will happen and when and finally different movements between characters. For example, if someone comes into frame (Enters the classroom).  A script will also help me set out a vision for my film and how I intend it to run. Should make it run smoothly and quicker to film so we don't have to make up what to do or say on the spot. A script is all about having an idea in place and sticking to that idea you have created. 

‘Balls Collide’ 

By Callum Merry 

Opening Scene: John Bedroom  

Fade in- John on his bed putting his socks on as Matt walked into the room in his uniform and bag on his back. 

Matt: *sigh* you near enough ready to go then. 

John: nearly, I can't be arsed for another year of this. 

Matt: I know mate I know. 

Johns Mum from downstairs shouts: Boys you best get going you are going to be late. 

*Both John and Matt drag themselves out of the room* 


Scene Two: Connors bedroom 

Starts as a close of Connor then zooms out to the rest of his room getting ready for school.  

Showing nervousness about him starting at a new school. 

Connors Mum from downstairs: Connor you ready love, time to go to school. 


Scene three: Main school drive/entrance  

Long shot of John and Matt with Connor in the back walking into school noticing ‘the new kid’(Connor)  

Matt: Oi John mate who's the new lad. 

John: I don’t know mate ugh hope he aint an idiot. 

Matt: If he’s good at football I don’t care how much of a twat he is, we need the players at the moment. 

*Both laugh* 


Scene four: 

John and Matt both walking in late to form giggling and then take a seat. 

After they take a seat they start talking about the new potential line up for the school football team and wonder if the new kid will try out for the team. 

They both then leave the room and head off to the first lesson of the day. 

Scene five: 

John and matt go their separate ways off to lessons.  

John takes a seat in his usual place in his media lesson and gets his equipment out.  

A few minutes pass by and then there is a knock at the door. 

(Connor enters) 

Teacher: “Everyone please welcome our new student Connor. Hmm, oh there's a spare seat next to John go sit there for now.” 

John: “You have got to be joking” -under his breath. 

Scene six:  

Both John and Matt meet up after break and are walking to their lessons.  
They start walking up the stairs to sport lesson and Connor is walking down the stairs.  

John and Connor bump into each other and Connors new books drop to the floor creating a mess.  

John: “Ah for god's sake, Matt ill meet you up there while I grab these” 

Both Connor and John are on their knees picking up the books and accidentally touch hands. 

They both look up and gaze into each other's eyes. 

All of a sudden a a feeling indescribable hits both of them, that they have never felt before.  

They go in for the kiss. 



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